UNOCI trains civil society in Sud Comoe on human rights universal periodic review

14 Oct 2013

UNOCI trains civil society in Sud Comoe on human rights universal periodic review

The Human Rights Office of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) on Friday 11 October 2013 organised a training session for civil society groups on the techniques of writing human rights reports within the context of the UN Periodic Universal Review (PUR).

The session which took place in Grand Bassam was aimed at reinforcing the capacity of some 35 members of NGOs based in Bassam, Adiake,Noe and Aboisso and acquainting them with the instruments for human rights protection, the Council for Human Rights and PUR.

The training came within a series of sensitization and advocacy campaigns undertaken by UNOCI for civil society organisations to take a greater interest in and ownership of international mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights.