UNOCI Tour marks its presence in Abengourou, Taï and Adzopé

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26 Sep 2013

UNOCI Tour marks its presence in Abengourou, Taï and Adzopé

The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), continued its sensitisation activity known as "UNOCI Tour" throughout the country this week. The different sections of the UN Mission met people in Amélékia, in the district of Abengourou, Kouadiokro, near Taï and Adzopé.

On Wednesday, 25 September 2013, in Kouadiokro, discussions focused on strengthening social cohesion and the culture of peace. During the activity, the representative of UNOCI's Human Rights

Division urged people to contribute to rebuilding peace by establishing cohesion between them and other communities.

"{Your contribution however small is needed in order to make progress. That is to say the culture of peace must start with you and those around you}," he told them.

For his part, the representative of the Mission's Civil Affairs Section asked participants to become sentinels of peace in their respective neighbourhoods in order to prevent any problems of social cohesion and ensure that the environment in their village is calm.

Thanking UNOCI for organising the sensitisation session, the chief of Kouadiokro village, Djê Gue, said that even if cohesion is already a reality in his village, the advice and information given by UNOCI will be followed to the letter.

In Amélékia, in the district of Abengourou, the UNOCI delegation, led by the coordinator of the Mission's regional office, on 25 September 2013, discussed respect for human rights, rule of law, rumours, and

the culture of peace with the population. He stressed the fact that peace can only be preserved by respecting the law and state institutions. The Mission's delegation also sensitised participants on the serious consequences of spreading rumours and the need to promote the culture of peace. At the end of the meeting, the deputy prefect of Amélékia, Kra Siallou, urged people in his constituency to work for peace, adding that the messages and information received from UNOCI should fortify their behaviour with regard to living together in peace.

UNOCI Tour also went to Azopé in the region of Mé where it discussed gender-based violence and the protection of vulnerable persons with 18 representatives of women's associations on 25 September 2013.

The meeting was organised by the Mission's Public Information Office and UN Police. With the use of a film, the focal point of UNPOL illustrated the different forms of violence against women.

After the session, participants made a commitment to support the fight to end violence against women. The UNOCI delegation also discussed the importance of promoting the culture of peace and tolerance with the women.