UNOCI Special Representative participates in opening ceremony of second seminar on democratic crowd control in Grand Bassam

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30 Aug 2015

UNOCI Special Representative participates in opening ceremony of second seminar on democratic crowd control in Grand Bassam

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, on Thursday, 27 August 2015, participated in the opening ceremony of the second seminar on democratic crowd control for prefects and law enforcement commanders in Grand Bassam.

The seminar, held on 27 and 28 August, was organized in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of the Interior and Security. The success of the first seminar held on 25 June 2015 in Yamoussoukro encouraged organisers to hold a second session in Grand Bassam. The aim was to provide an opportunity for those who could not attend the session in Yamoussoukro to participate in this important meeting.

In his opening remarks, the representative of the Mayor of Grand-Bassam, Ouegnin Jean Daniel, said that the chosen topic was relevant and will help meet various challenges during the election period. According to him, it was essential to train and sensitize entities in charge of the security for efficient coordination during elections.

"We need a peaceful environment during that period to achieve the social cohesion which is an essential condition in our country which is on its way to emergence in 2020," he said. He thanked UNOCI for its contribution in the pacification of the political and social environment in Côte d'Ivoire.

The Special Representative said that in the implementation of the UN Security Council's Resolution 2162, the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) has initiated capacity-building activities for public security actors, especially those in charge maintaining of law and order which was deeply affected by the crisis. For that purpose, she said, the UN Security Council's Resolution 2226 has strengthened UNOCI's mandate.

Mrs Mindaoudou also said that the objective of the seminar was to reinforce the capacity of prefects and law enforcement commanders in democratic crowd control in order to ensure proper coordination of the security operations during the forthcoming elections in Côte d'Ivoire.

Finally, the head of UNOCI stressed that security agents will be increasingly asked to maintain security especially during the election period.

"This seminar will equip all security actors with the tools they need to effectively fulfill their role not only in the forthcoming elections but also in permanently ensuring the action of security forces will contribute to consolidating the rule of law, "she said.

In declaring the seminar open, the Prefect of Grand-Bassam, Beudjé Djoman, who spoke on behalf of the Minister of the Interior and Security, Hamed Bakayoko, said that his Minister welcomed UNOCI's initiative because it offered an opportunity to all security actors to strengthen their capacity in conflict management.

"Our compatriots are approaching this period with great apprehension. The election is in less than two months and we need now to imagine all the possible strategies to curb delinquency, gaps that could plunge the country again in desolation," said Prefect Djoman.

He added that he hoped that the seminar will lead participants to a successful conclusion during the sensitive period ahead.

Several topics including the "democratic crowd control: to be well informed to take the best decision," "Communication, strategic and media issues" and / or " Territorial administration experience in Ivorian law enforcement: Lessons and Prospects" were the subject of presentations by international experts, UNOCI, the Gendarmerie and Ivorian institutions.