UNOCI sensitizes former victims of fistula on female genital mutilation

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22 Sep 2014

UNOCI sensitizes former victims of fistula on female genital mutilation

Some 75 former victims of fistula disease in Korhogo (580 km north of Abidjan) took part in a session of sensitization initiated by the NGO in collaboration with the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) on 18 September 2014.

The session, whose theme was « the consequences of female genital mutilation and the legal instruments to fight it », was aimed at transforming the women who have been treated of the fistula disease into advocates in the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM).

UNOCI Human Rights officer, Salif Boite demonstrated the negative consequences of FGM on young girls and women from the physical, medical, and psychological aspects. He laid emphasis on the laws dealing with the malpractice, notably the law of December 1998 which prohibits female genital excision. « As victims of this malpractice, you should play a primordial role in sensitizing the public and provide early warning to the local authorities, humanitarian organizations and NGOs on all cases of FGM so that appropriate action can be taken, » he advised.

The president of , Coulibaly Salimata Nanga said apart from helping victims receive medical attention, they should also help to facilitate their rehabilitation in society as well educate other girls to avoid becoming victims.

Another UNOCI component taking part in the sensitization was the Public Information office as well as the UN Population fund (UNFPA) and the Ivorian NGO, .