UNOCI sensitizes Abongoua people on social cohesion

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14 Mar 2014

UNOCI sensitizes Abongoua people on social cohesion

Inhabitants of the villages of Adjame,Yapokoi and Baoulekro in the Yakasse-Attobrou division (43 km east of Adzope) came together at the Sub Prefecture of Abongoua recently for as meeting with the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) to discuss ways of strengthening social cohesion. Taking part in the meeting which marked the first contact tour of the new Sub Prefect of Abongoua, Tra Bi Armel were village chiefs, community and religious leaders, as well as representatives of women's and youth groups.

UNOCI Civil Affairs and UN Police officials took advantage of the occasion to explain the UN Mandate in Cote d'Ivoire to the people and reminded community leaders of their role in consolidating peace and social cohesion and

to cultivate the virtues of forgiveness, tolerance and promote social harmony and wellbeing.

The Sub Prefect, Major Tra Bi thanked UNOCI for its logistic support to the sensitization tour of "this zone that is difficult to reach." Meeting the people, he said, is the essence of the work of administrative authorities, who, apart from their bureaucratic tasks, must devote most of their time in visiting the villages in order to maintain human contact and staying current with the concerns of the people and finding solutions to them. He told the people that his administration will focus on development and social cohesion.