UNOCI sensitises people in Ouaragahio on social cohesion, political tolerance and respect for human rights

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24 Jun 2015

UNOCI sensitises people in Ouaragahio on social cohesion, political tolerance and respect for human rights

In Ouragahio, in the department of Gagnoa, there were doubts about re-establishing peace after violent street demontsrations on 9 June 2015 which almost became intercommunity confrontations. This was why the organisation of the sensitisation caravan of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire, ONUCI Tour, on 19 June 2015 in this locality, situated at 104 kilometres north of Divo, was welcomed with open arms by the local people.

« ONUCI we really need your expertise in social cohesion and conflict management and prevention, » the deputy prefect of Ouragahio, Agnon Kouakou Soualiho, told a representative of the Mission during preparations for the activity.

During the meeting, the UNOCI delegation composed of representatives from its Police component, Civil Affairs, Public Information and Human Rights Sections discussed a variety of issues with some 100 people, including village chiefs, community leaders, local representatives of political parties, as well as members of women's and youth organisations.

Tanoh Eba from UNOCI's Civil Affairs Section dealt with the issue of social cohesion and peaceful management of conflicts. She urged young people to stop their vandalism during demonstrations. « You must stop destroying public and private properties when you organise protests because it means that afterwards you would have to find the financial means to rebuild. I ask you to rethink your way of practicing politics, » she added.

For his part, Abdoulaye Touré for United Nations Police (UNPOL), explained the mandate of his component to the gathering, highlighting its role in the protection of civilians ; assistance to the Ivorian Police and Gendarmerie and its advice to the security forces. In addition, Mr. Touré urged people in Ouragahio to promote a peaceful electoral environment with unity and understanding along with their adminstrative authorities and traditional chiefs.

UNOCI's Regional Human Rights Officer, Etienne Allou, made a presentation on the promotion and protection of human rights, during which he pleaded for political tolerance politique. Dealing with the theme « human rights and elections », Mr Allou gave examples on the right to freedom of association, meeting, movement and expression.

Idrissa Koné from UNOCI's Public Information Section appealed to participants at the meeting to overcome their differences ; accept peaceful solutions to those differences and create the right conditions which will guarantee a peaceful electoral environment.

After the different presentations by the UNOCI delegation, the civil society coordinator for Gôh region, Daouda Moussa, spoke about respect for the law, sensitisation on the harmful effects of spreading rumours and hate speech, and explained the different methods of conflict management. He urged civil society organisations in Ouragahio to participate in training programmes organised by the Civil Society Coordination in order to fully play their role within their respective communities.

At the end of the discussions, the deputy prefect of Ouragahio, Agnon Kouakou Soualiho, asked people to share the information they had received and raise any problems of cohabitation as early as possible so that they can be resolved quickly. He also agreed to a request by young people at the meeting to set up a conflict-prevention consultation platform for them.