UNOCI sensitises people in Niable and Yorobodi on respect for human rights and rule of law

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20 Sep 2013

UNOCI sensitises people in Niable and Yorobodi on respect for human rights and rule of law

The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), on Wednesday, 18 September 2013, organised sensitisation and information sessions with people in Niablé and Yorobodi, 240 km and 446 km respectively northeast of Abidjan. During the encounters, UNOCI explained its mandate and activities as defined by the United Nations Security Council. Officials from the UN Mission also explained to participants the need to respect human rights and the rule of law.

In Niablé, the delegation from UNOCI's regional office in Abengourou urged participants to avoid conflict situation and instead commit to promoting reconciliation and social cohesion. It also encouraged people in Niablé to preserve peaceful co-existence between the different communities. The delegation also asked them to fight against rumours which were often the reason for mistrust and misunderstandings.

At the end of the discussions, the deputy prefect of Niablé, Kouamé Yao, welcomed UNOCI's presence in his locality. « I would like to assure you that we have learnt a lot and we now know more about the work you do in Côte d'Ivoire. I believe that from now on people will better appreciate your actions," }said Mr. Kouamé.

In Yorobodi, the UN Mission returned to the issue of the need to educate children, especially girls in the region. Addressing the participants, the representative of UNOCI's Child Protection Section asked them to register their children in school and keep them there until they finish school. She also stressed the need to protect children from all forms of physical, verbal and psychological violence and early marriages for girls.

The participants were also sensitised on the need to respect human rights, especially the right to free association, expression, religion and freedom of movement by the representative of UNOCI's Human Rights Division. He stressed the importance of respecting the principles of non-discrimination, participation, equality and tolerance.

People from eight villages in the sous prefecture of Yorobodi and surrounding encampments took part in the meeting. They were given free treatment and medicines by the Ghanaian Battalion's Medical Unit during the encounter.