UNOCI rehabilitates primary school in Ananguié

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29 Oct 2013

UNOCI rehabilitates primary school in Ananguié

« UNOCI thank you ! UNOCI thank you! »: this was the cry of joy from children of the primary school in Ananguié, in the sous prefecture of Rubino, in the department of Agboville, who, despite the burning sun, had turned up in force on Friday, 25 October 2013, to welcome a delegation of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), led by the UN Mission's Force Commander, General Iqbal Asi, which came to inaugurate the primary school rehabilitated with funds from its Quick Impact Project (QIPs) programme.

The rehabilitation, which was carried out by peacekeepers from the Beninese and Malawian battalions at a cost of 12. 467 800 FCFA, provided 15 new classrooms, 8 latrines, a school canteen and a new building comprising three classrooms. "{The realisation of this quick impact project which we are today offering to the people of Ananguié, provides a secure framework for the children's education, an increased capacity for the school and better working conditions}," said UNOCI's Force Commander. '' {These children now have access to an adequate framework to promote basic education which is a guage for social cohesion and the restoration of confidence in the peace process}," he added.

Speaking on behalf of the Ivorian Government, the Prefect of Agboville region, Bako Digbé Anatole-Privat, thanked UNOCI for helping the school "{come out of a disastrous and pitiable state}". He welcomed the initiative taken by the village chief of Ananguié, Athanase Gbadi, who took

the opportunity offered by UNOCI to improve the future prospects of the children. He also asked villagers who see UNOCI in a new light, as it is not just working for the return of peace, but also carries out actions for development.

For his part, the representative of the regional director of education in Agboville, Bayala Augustin, thanked UNOCI for its efforts to improve schools in Côte d'Ivoire. " {It is not only a great day for the people of Ananguié but also for the education community. Ananguié needed this because there is high rate of school attendance with 1500 pupils, a third of whom are girls}".

The president of the School Management Committee, Degbeu Abolé, who represented the parents, warmly thanked UNOCI and all the local actors involved in the rehabilitation of the school but also called on the education authorities to help the school resolve its remaining problems. This included overcrowded classrooms because of insufficient tables and benches. He also made a plea for a perimeter wall to be built around the school and a nursery school.

The school children who were the main beneficiaries of the QIPs also took the opportunity to thank UNOCI. "{We are very happy and proud of UNOCI for rehabilitating our school building and for building three additional classrooms. Thanks to UNOCI we have a roof over our classrooms and we are motivated to learn}," said their representative, Yavo Pierre.

The ceremony ended with the cutting of a ribbon and the handing over of the keys to the building.