UNOCI peace and reconciliation campaign stops over in Sorobango

"{Peace is not merely the absence of war; it is must also be reflected in the way we conduct our daily lives," }the local representative of UNOCI's Public Information Office told the inhabitants of Sorobango village situated 434 km north-east of Abidjan during a grassroots sensitisation campaign dubbed "ONUCU Tour" on 28 August 2013.
The public meeting was an opportunity for the UN Mission to discuss with the local population about problems affecting social cohesion in Sorobango. The deputy Secretary-general of a development association, Mutuelle de Development, Ouattara Yacouba said because of misunderstanding among the inhabitants, some members of the village continue to drink unhealthy water from a dam whereas a brand new water reservoir had been provided by the Presidential Emergency Programme several months ago. Representatives of UNOCI's Civil Affairs and Public Information offices as well UN Police discussed with the people and stressed the values of peace, social cohesion and national reconciliation which lead to development.
One of the objectives of the Civil Affairs office being the promotion of dialogue between the administration and the population, the Civil Affairs representative took the opportunity to emphasise the role of the sub Prefect as representative of the Head of sSate as well as the role of the village Chief in the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
For her part Djeneba Soro of the legal clinic in Bondoukou, after explaining the role of the Support and Improvement of Access to Law and Justice Project, called on the people of Sorobango to consult legal experts of the clinic or other auxiliaries of justice for legal problems and the establishment of children's birth certificates.
The Sub Prefect of Sorobango, Georges Konan Kouakou promised to put in practice all he had learnt during the sensitization campaign. "{I will follow up the people closely until peace is restored in this beautiful village}," he pledged.
At the end of the campaign in which some 100 people took part, the village chief, Ouattara Amoro pledged to find a lasting solution to conflicts which divide the population. "{I am going to invite the elites, the Sub Prefect and representatives of the different political parties and ask UNOCI to come and help us make peace}," he announced.