UNOCI campaigns for peace and social cohesion in Ahehoua village

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27 Jun 2014

UNOCI campaigns for peace and social cohesion in Ahehoua village

The mobile grassroots sensitization team of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) dubbed ONUCI-Tour made a stopover in Ahehoua village, Akoupe division on 25 June 2014 to discuss matters concerning peace and social cohesion with the population. The village chief and his notables, the divisional director of youth and sport, representatives of youth and women's associations took part in the discussion.

The representative of UNOCI Public Information Office, Daouda Dosso called on the villagers to turn over a new leaf from distrust and misunderstanding and adopt an attitude and lifestyle that promotes peace and social cohesion. He recommended dialogue, non-violence and consensus as a peaceful means of settling differences and conflicts.

A spokesman for the notables, Gaston Ahouo said a new dawn had risen on Cote d'Ivoire. He called on UNOCI to be witness to the determination of the population of Ahehoua to uphold peace and pledged to "make dialogue the key to conquest."

UN Police and UNOCI Civil Affairs representatives remarked that Ahehoua was an example of social cohesion but expressed concern about the security situation which is under threat from highway robbers. UNPOL advised the population to collaborate with the local security forces in order to put insecurity in check.

The representative of the Ivorian youth and sport department, Souleymane Banassi called on the youths to get to work without waiting on government for white- collar jobs.