UNOCI and UNFPA sensitise population of Guiglo and Blolequin on family planning and GBV

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15 Oct 2014

UNOCI and UNFPA sensitise population of Guiglo and Blolequin on family planning and GBV

On the occasion of the back-to-school sporting season in Guiglo and Blolequin, the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) seized the opportunity to sensitise the population of the two towns on peace and reconciliation, the fight against gender-based violence, family planning and a peaceful electoral environment in 2015.

The sporting activities are dedicated to the girl-child by the UN since 2012 in order to stress the need to protect this component of society which is prone to much violence these days, UNFPA official, Abiba Ouattara said. "We know that sport comprises a number of values such as fair play, honour, respect, self-control, team spirit, courage, solidarity and friendship. It is a factor of social cohesion and integration," she recalled.

Pierre Aby of UNOCI Public Information Office in Guiglo urged the population to be inspired by the values of sport in order to promote a peaceful environment during the 2015 presidential election.

The regional director of sport, Etienne Go, also president of the organizing committee of the back-to-school sporting activities, welcomed the involvement of the Prefect for the second time in the Maracana inter-service tournament among civil servants and government workers in a bid to create a framework for opening up, getting together, communication and fraternizing in order to facilitate collaboration between government services.

In Blolequin, the Mayor, Edouard Kehi Djouha thanked UNOCI and UNFPA for the information given to the population during the event and which would make them avoid contracting certain sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and early pregnancy in the school environment.

For his part, the Prefect of Cavally Region, Kone Messamba, explained his involvement in the event, saying it contributes to the strengthening of links between the different government services, provides an opportunity for people to know each other better and cultivate a spirit of fraternity and solidarity. "We should, in the course of this event, make our spirit of openness and understanding a reality. We should, hand-in- hand, recreate a flourishing environment."

The event which lasted from 11 to 15 October 2014 included Maraca football tournaments and a cross-country race involving primary and secondary school teachers, pupils and women.