United Nations in Côte d’Ivoire pays final tribute to UN Volunteer killed in Grand-Bassam

18 Mar 2016

United Nations in Côte d’Ivoire pays final tribute to UN Volunteer killed in Grand-Bassam

Abidjan, 18 March 2016...The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d’Ivoire and Head of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI), Mrs Aichatou Mindaoudou, UNOCI personnel, United Nations Volunteers and personnel from United Nations Agencies in Côte d’Ivoire, paid a final tribute to Anita Andreevska Mitrovska, a United Nations Volunteer who died tragically on Sunday, 13 March 2016, in the attack in Grand Bassam.

Speaking at the ceremony, the head of UNOCI’s UNV Programme, Pauline Deneufbourg, highlighted the qualities of Anita Andreevska Mitrovska, who worked as Camp Manager at the UN Mission’s premises in Anankoua Kouté, with the Engineering Section. Before coming to Côte d’Ivoire, she worked in Afghanistan to improve the lives of the most vulnerable members of society.

‎Anita Andreevska is one of 150 Volunteers serving in Côte d’Ivoire and of some 7,000 serving in different parts of the world.