UN System equips surveillance and sensitization committee in Toulepleu

28 May 2014

UN System equips surveillance and sensitization committee in Toulepleu

The UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) in collaboration with the UN Development Programme on Tuesday 27 May 2014 made a significant donation of materials to the surveillance and sensitization committee in Toulepleu, 650 km west of Abidjan.

The donation consisting of chairs, canopies, a motorcycle and a public address system were meant to assist the committee during its public sensitisation meetings aimed at promoting national reconciliation and falls within the framework of UNOCI's constant support to the strengthening of social cohesion in the area.

The Prefect of Toulepleu, Mr. Karim Diarra who received the materials thanked UN for boosting the reconciliation process in his division through the organisation of sensitization campaigns. "The lack of equipment slowed down our activities. I assure you that we will henceforth be operational and be in contact with the population and everything that has to do with social cohesion.

UNOCI's Civil Affairs representative, Mr. Komlan Adadjo said the materials would permit actors of the political and social life to get closer to the population in order to create a pact of mutual confidence. "This new pact would guarantee and encourage the return of refugees and in turn accelerate the national reconciliation process," he averred.