UN Special Representative participates in official opening of public hearings for victims of Ivorian crisis.

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28 Aug 2014

UN Special Representative participates in official opening of public hearings for victims of Ivorian crisis.

The Special Representative of UN Secretary-general in Cote d'Ivoire, Aichatou Mindaoudou on Wednesday 27 August 2014 took part in the launching of public hearings of victims of the crisis in Cote d'Ivoire orgnised by the Ivorian Commission for Truth, Dialogue and Reconciliation (CDVR).

After highlighting the fact that the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) had followed with interest the gathering of depositions and testimonies of victims throughout the territory, the Special Representative expressed satisfaction that all components of society were involved in the process, demonstrating that national reconciliation concerns everyone.

« I am pleased to highlight that the information gathering phase involved local CDVR commissions, civil society platforms, administrative, traditional, and religious authorities, women and children, thanks to the international community and the support of the entire UN System, » Mrs. Mindaoudou remarked.

She expressed the hope that victims and witnesses be supported and protected so that they can testify and that CDVR's final report would include a programme reparation for victims.

« UNOCI, as far as its means allow, would continue to assist CDVR and its initiatives toward national reconciliation, » she concluded.

For his part, CDVR president Charles Konan Banny gave assurances that the Commission would give priority to victims. « At this stage of public hearings, it wants to reconcile the memory of the harm endured by victims with appeasement in order to make room forgiveness, » he indicated.

According to CDVR, 60,000 victims of the Ivorian crisis between 1990 and 2011 were heard during the pilot phase and the information gathering phases launched in February 2014 and from April to 15 August 2014.