UN Peace building Fund donates equipment to Ivorian Interior Ministry

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17 Oct 2013

UN Peace building Fund donates equipment to Ivorian Interior Ministry

The UN Fund for the consolidation on Wednesday 16 October 2013 handed over a consignment of materials and motorcycles to the Ivorian Interior Ministry within the framework of its support for the reinforcement of state authority, social cohesion and national reconciliation. The donation included 42 canopies, 2100 chairs, 21 public address systems and 23 motorbikes with helmets.

This would enhance the logistic and technical capacity of the advocacy and monitoring committees of the 23 divisions of the Montagnes, Bas-Sassandra, Sassandra-Mahoue and Goh Djiboua regions.

The action would contribute in promoting several projects of the Peace- building Fund notably, the restoration of law and order, security and birth registry, the Deputy Special Representative of UN Secretary-general and Coordinator of the UN System in Cote d'Ivoire Ndolamb Ngokwey explained at the handing over ceremony. "{Peace building has become a familiar concept within the UN which defines it

as an action aimed at solidifying peace and avoiding a relapse into conflict}," Mr. Ngokwey added, making reference to the peace agenda conceived by former UN Secretary-General Butros Butros Ghali.

The Minister of Planning and Development Albert Mabri Toikeusse, President of the steering committee of the UN Peace building Fund thanked the entire UN System for making CFA 5 billion available to the National Development Plan for 2012-2015 for the realization of 5 projects covering the restoration of public order and the authority of the state, support to the civil status registry, the second take off of the Commission for Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation, the carrying out of studies on conflict management in the west and the reinforcement of the activities of the steering committee. Mr. Mabri

said within the framework of this partnership, 29 prefectural and security infrastructures have been rehabilitated in 4 regions to the tune of CFA 289,617,292.

The head of the Ministry of Interior and Security, the primary beneficiary of the donation, Hamed Bakayoko thanked the UN System and said the donation was in line with the priorities of the government which is striving to attain national reconciliation.

The UN System took the opportunity to also donate three vehicles destined for the Prefecture of Lakota.