UN celebrates 68th anniversary in Yamoussoukro

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25 Oct 2013

UN celebrates 68th anniversary in Yamoussoukro

The UN Operation (UNOCI) and the entire UN System in Cote d'Ivoire celebrated the 68th anniversary of the Organisation in Yamoussoukro on Thursday 24 October 2013.

The celebrations marking UN Day were jointly launched by the UN Special Representative and head of UNOCI, Mrs. Aichatou Mindaoudou and the Ivorian Minister of State for Employment, Moussa Dosso who was representing the government at the Felix Houphouet Boigny Foundation for Peace.

Heads of UN Agencies, local authorities notably the Governor of the District of Yamoussoukro, the Prefect of the region, the Mayor, political, religious and traditional authorities, women's and youth groups as well as students were present at the ceremony.

The Special Representative delivered the address of UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon saying: "United Nations Day is a chance to recognize how much this invaluable Organization contributes to peace and common progress. It is a time to reflect on what more we can do to realize our vision for a better world," she said quoting the UN Secretary-general.

Concerning development, she quoted Mr. Ban as saying "our most urgent development challenge is to make sustainability a reality." She concluded by saying "On UN Day, let us pledge to live by the founding ideals and work for peace, development and human rights."

The representative of the Ivorian government, Minster of State for Employment, Mr. Moussa Dosso said the UN is present wherever there is need for assistance and intervention. He expressed his "profound gratitude to the UN and in particular the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) for the crucial role it played to restore peace and democracy in Cote d'Ivoire after a decade of military and socio-political crisis."

The occasion was marked by a panel discussion on the theme: The fight against gender-based violence and cases of early pregnancy among young girls in Cote d'Ivoire. Peace keeping troops of the Bangladeshi, Egyptian, Pakistani and Senegalese contingents also held a military parade.

The UN also donated medication to a local maternity which, according to the Morofe village Chief, George Tanoh, has recorded 150 births since it was established two years ago. Chief Tanoh thanked the UN for its concern for children.

UN volunteers and agencies like FAO HCR WFP and OCHA as well as various offices of UNOCI including Civil Affairs, Human Rights, UN Police, Child Protection put up exhibition stands at the ceremonial grounds to present their activities to the public. The exhibition was animated with music by the Ghanaian and Pakistani military bands.

The UN Special Representative Aichatou Mindaoudou said she was pleased with the celebration which was "simply marvelous."

The occasion ended with cultural and sporting events. Besides Yamoussoukro, the UN celebrated UN Day in 18 different towns throughout the national territory.