Summary of UNOCI weekly press conference

13 Nov 2009

Summary of UNOCI weekly press conference

Abidjan, 12 November 2009... Helicopters will transport the provisional electoral list from different hubs in Daloa, Bouaké, Odienné and Korhogo, to Odienné, Man, Séguéla, Boundiali, Tengrela, Kong and Bouna for posting in various places, the Chief of the Electoral Assistance Division (EAD) of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), Ahmedou el Becaye Seck, announced in Abidjan on Thursday.

Speaking during the Mission's weekly press conference, Mr. Seck said that the launch by the Mission yesterday of the transportation of the electoral list throughout Côte d'Ivoire will be supplemented by two flights on Thursday.

Mr. Seck said that the operation, which began the day before in certain sous- prefectures, particularly in the Lacs region and in other districts such as Agnibilékrou, Adzopé, Abengourou and Alépé, was expanded on Thursday morning. "In concrete terms, this translates into 300 vehicles covering 206 roads one plane and three helicopters which will cover all the sous-prefectures in Cote d'Ivoire," he explained.

Mr. Seck reiterated UNOCI's availability to help the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) with the distribution in Abidjan. He said that certain support measures have been put in place which will make "the distribution of the lists in the different neighbourhoods in Abidjan effective from this afternoon or by tomorrow at the latest".

He added that the distribution plan was being supported by the setting up of a main centre in Abidjan and two regional ones in Daloa. Their role, he explained, will be to co-ordinate operational activities in real-time in collaboration with the Independent Electoral Commission as well as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)".

Mr. Seck, who said that there had been no problems with the operation so far, gave precise details of the modus operandi of the distribution. The list will be posted in 10,818 collection centres will be done with the help of the local commissions of the IEC, supported by UNDP, through its basket fund, after being deposited at the sous-prefectures. With regard to Abidjan, the distribution will be done by UNOCI. "The Mission's sections will help to accompany the distribution in the 774 collect centres," said Mr. Seck.

The road transportation of the electoral list by road, which started yesterday, had already covered San Pedro, Divo, Daoukro, Bondoukou, Abengourou, Adzopé, Abgoville, Akoupé, Yamoussoukro, Alépe, Dabou, Sikensi and Grand Bassam, Mr. Seck added.

Responding to journalists' questions on the configuration of the provisional electoral list, Mr. Seck said that according to explanations given by the IEC, there will be a list of people who have been cross-checked, a list of those who have not been cross-checked and a list of people who will be found on files of registered immigrants. "Each of these categories will be clearly marked so there will be no ambiguity", he added.

With regard to security provisions for the electoral list, the EAD Chief explained that this will be provided by the Ivorian parties through the Integrated Command Centre (ICC). "We are going transport the list with the impartial forces to the sous-préfectures. From there, it will be up to the Ivorian forces to provide security once the list is posted," Mr. Seck concluded.