SRSG Mindaoudou meets Ivorian Minister of Communication and Deputy Government Spokesperson

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5 Sep 2013

SRSG Mindaoudou meets Ivorian Minister of Communication and Deputy Government Spokesperson

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Aïchatou Mindaoudou, on Wednesday, 4 September 2013, had discussions with the Minister of Communication and deputy government spokesperson, Mrs Affoussiata Bamba Lamine, as part of her series of initial contacts with Ivorian officials.

« Communication is at the centre of UNOCI's mandate, » Mrs Mindaoudou told journalists after the meeting. « A responsible and professional media which respects ethics and deontology is the basis of a democratic framework and democratic development in a country, » said the Special Representative.

« This is the reason why the Security Council gave UNOCI a mandate to accompany the Ivorian authorities in the « reconstruction » of a free, responsible and professional press, a press which respects ethics, a press which respects deontology, » said the head of UNOCI.

« With regard to their relationship, cooperation between UNOCI and the Ministry of Communication is very close. It is a relationship which is highly developed and well regarded, » she added. Mrs Mindaoudou welcomed the vision and ambition of the Minister of Communication, who works hard in order to ensure that « the press plays its role and that it is a responsible and professional press, a press with journalists who tell the truth and initiate objective debate ».

The Special Representative concluded by reiterating UNOCI's support and her personal commitment to continue the cooperation with the Ministry of Communication.

For the Minister of Communication, she recalled the essential role played by her Department in the construction of democracy in Côte d'Ivoire. « In order for the press to be able to play its role as the fourth state, the press must be responsible, » added Mrs Bamba Lamine.

« Côte d'Ivoire is coming out of a crisis and is on the path to reconstruction, development and reconciliation, the United Nations is supporting us so that the country can be accompanied by a responsible press that can really play its role.

« I was pleased to meet the Special Representative, we are going to continue to have a very, very good rapport, » said the Minister of Communication.