Special Representative meets members of Panafrican Congress for Justice and Liberty for the People

24 Nov 2014

Special Representative meets members of Panafrican Congress for Justice and Liberty for the People

«Today, our goal is to promote peace in Côte d'Ivoire, because the development of the country depends on it, it is a sacrifice that we have to make and COJEP is ready and willing to do it »,declared the acting president of the Panafrican Congress for Justice and Liberty for the People – Congrès panafricain pour la Justice et la Liberté des peuples (COJEP) Mr. Youan Bi Angenor told journalists.

Mr. Youan Bi, who was speaking at the end of the COJEP's delegation meeting with the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, said that they had come to ask for UNOCI's assistance in the forthcoming launch of their Charter for Peace and Reconciliation.

« We are launching our Charter for Peace and Reconciliation on 28 November. The Charter contains our proposals for lasting peace in Côte d'Ivoire. So we came to share our idea with Mrs Mindaoudou and UNOCI has agreed to accompany us in the field», said the acting president, adding that he was pleased with the way he was welcomed by the UN Mission.

The aim of the Charter, according to Mr. Youan Bi, is to get the agreement of all leaders so that everyone can make a commitment to peace. «We are going to organise a caravan of peace to explain the contents of our Charter and set up an observatory, » said the leader of the COJEP delegation.