Secondary school pupils in Soubre dedicate a day for lectures on United Nations

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20 Mar 2014

Secondary school pupils in Soubre dedicate a day for lectures on United Nations

Pupils in the Lycee Moderne of Soubre set aside the day of Wednesday 19 March 2014 to attend a conference on the United Nations conducted in the school premises by the regional office of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) based in San Pedro.

The main speaker, the Coordinator of the regional office, Ganda Abdourahamane spoke of the importance of the UN in the world. "The creation of the UN is among the most important creations by man because it creates conditions for peace in the world. It is also the UN which ensures that the rights of each and every one are respected," he explained. He urged the pupils to work hard in school so they can become soldiers of peace. The history teacher of the school, Arsene Herman Nobout pointed out that the study of the UN is one of the subjects prescribed in the educational programme in Cote d'Ivoire, illustrating, he said, the importance of this conference to the history pupils and teachers of the examination class.

The Principal of the school, Bernard Zadi Zaouro welcomed the initiative by the history-geography department in collaboration with the UNOCI Public Information Office, saying it facilitates "the reorientation of the youth who had not only lost momentum in the labyrinth of knowledge but also serves as a panacea for a Cote d'Ivoire in search of its first religion which is peace."

One student, Kouassi Nguessan said the conference has helped to erase certain prejudices previously held about the UN. "This conference has taught us that it was Cote d'Ivoire which invited the UN to come and maintain peace and that is the context in which UNOCI works in the country."

More than 1500 secondary school pupils of the third year to upper sixth took part in the conference.