Séguela : road users sensitised on road safety

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6 Oct 2015

Séguela : road users sensitised on road safety

For some time now people in Séguéla have noticed that there are traffic lights in the town. This happy occurrence, the first in this town, has changed people's lives – pedestrians and drivers alike. However they are still not sure how to make the best use of the change. Faced with anarchy on the roads in Séguéla, the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), in collaboration with the Office of Road Safety, started a public campaign to sensitise road users on road safety.

According to Arsène Konan Konan from the Office of Road Safety, the campaign is necessary for drivers of two-wheel and three-wheel vehicles. {« These are the people who have no idea of road safety code. We would like to thank UNOCI who did everything possible to ensure that this road safety campaign takes place, » } he added with great satisfaction.

We did not pave the roads for people to continue to die

For the first deputy Mayor of Séguela, Sindou Dosso, the sensitisation campaign on road safety code is welcome because every week there are at least two fatal accidents in the town. He then launched an appeal to road users. « Firstly there are those who drive at breakneck speed and do not respect the traffic lights; secondly, when there is a wedding, people form dangerous convoys and we must fight against these practices. We did not paved the roads so that people can continue to die on them, we did it so people can benefit from it, » he explained.

For its part, the Association of Motor-taxi drivers, that has expressed its appreciation for UNOCI's contribution to the campaign, has decided to work to ensure that the road safety code is respected in the Worodougou Region, as confirmed by its spokesperson, Koné Ibrahima. {« We need sensitisation like today because we have too many accidents on our roads. We have 483 members in the association of motor-taxi drivers in the Worodougou Region and today we make a commitment before the population that we are going to respect the road safety code, »} he promised.