People in Tourédougou sensitised on gender-based violence and the strengthening of social cohesion

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25 Nov 2015

People in Tourédougou sensitised on gender-based violence and the strengthening of social cohesion

The detrimental effects of gender-based violence and the importance of strengthening social cohesion: these are two themes on which community leaders, women, youths and civil society groups were sensitised by the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) in Tourédougou, situated at 24 km north of San Pedro, on Wednesday, 25 November 2015. It was part of the sensitisation caravan known as ONUCI Tour, initiated by the UN Mission's Public Information Office based in San Pedro.

Speaking at the event, the representative of the UNOCI Office Coordinator and Human Rights Officer, Roger Agode, urged participants to change the way they behave and become active in the fight against gender-based and domestic violence in an effort to establish a healthy environment.

UNOCI's sections, namely the Public Information and Human Rights sections and the United Nations Police presented their respective mandate and activities to participants before urging participants to avoid the kind of behaviour which could lead to conflict within the nuclear family and the community.

Violence against women are a violation of women's rights, Roger Agode told participants. The eradication of all forms of violence against women is a priority for the United Nations, he added.

Gilbert Koukpo of the UN Police outlined the different types of violence against women and the new law on gender-based violence before asking the people of Tourédougou to respect the laws of the land and not take justice into their own hands.

At the end of the discussions, the chief imam, Vacaba Sylla, welcomed the themes discussed by participants and the UNOCI delegation. « I want to congratulate you on the quality of your respective presentations and tell you that the messages that you brought us were well-received. I am particularly happy with your visit to our village because many women are victims of violence from their husbands. I am certain that following your visit, the rate of violence will diminish because they know that the law will punish them, jsut as you told us », he added.

For her part, the women's leader, Sylla Sata, asked for help with income-generating for women in Tourédougou and neighbouring villages so that they will be able to look after themselves; because a financially-independent woman can contribute effectively to social cohesion.

The sensitisation campaign included dance performances by pupils from the local primary school and women from the village.

Some 600 people, including 250 women, took part in the sensitisation activity in Tourédougou.

The village chief, Fanny Yssouf, offered a meal of social cohesion to the villagers who took part in the activity.