People of Olodio on the road to lasting peace

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14 Jun 2013

People of Olodio on the road to lasting peace

Some 100 people representing the different communities of Olodio village à 490 km northwest of Abidjan, came together on Wednesday 12 June 2013, to discuss ways of consolidating social cohesion in a forum organized by the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).

The meeting was opened by Rouafi Mamadou of UNOCI's Civil Affairs Section who said that the forum was a good opportunity for participants to identify the causes of conflicts and to find solutions through constructive and inclusive dialogue. "It has become indispensable to implant these processes among the local communities themselves in order to overcome the challenges of social cohesion and national reconciliation," he explained.

The deputy prefect of Olodio, Adjue Monin, stressed the importance of the efforts being made by the Government and its partners, including UNOCI, to restore peace in the country. "Take advantage of this opportunity and respect the code of conduct you are expected to draw up by the end of the forum," he advised.

Recommendations made by participants included respect for the authority of the village chief, mutual respect between communities, the participation of every community in community projects and affairs, strengthening sensitization efforts on social cohesion and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.