Peace and social cohesion in Akoupé: Leaders of women's and youth associations sensitised

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29 Jan 2014

Peace and social cohesion in Akoupé: Leaders of women's and youth associations sensitised

Peace, reconciliation and social cohesion: these are the notions on which a delegation of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) sensitised some 20 leaders of women's and youth associations of Akoupé. The encounter took place on Monday, 27 January 2014 at UNOCI's local headquarters in Adzopé, in the presence of the Regional Office Coordinator, Luc Zina. Presentations were made by representatives of UNOCI police (UNPOL), the Public Information Office and the Civil Affairs Section.

The aim of the sensitisation session was to discuss the work of the different UNOCI sections based in Adzopé in an effort to give the leaders from Akoupé a better understanding of the UN Mission's mandate.

The Jordanian contingent, UNPOL, and the Civil Affairs and Public Information sections, in turn, explained their mandate and activities on the field before responding to the concerns of the women and youths who wanted to know how the United Nations functions and UNOCI's contribution to the search for peace in Côte d'Ivoire.

UNOCI's Regional Coordinator for Adzopé and Abengourou, Luc Zina, welcomed the initiative taken by the women and youths of Akoupé to approach the UN Mission in an effort to obtain information about its work. He assured the visitors that UNOCI was available to collaborate with them in the search for peace and social cohesion.

Mr. Zina explained that the United Nations often takes time to intervene in any given situation in order to ensure that any intervention is of benefit to the people involved. The delegation from Akoupé were able to receive responses to their various concerns by having direct discussions with the UNOCI personnel. The women and youths were also able to better understand how the United Nations functions, having previously based their knowledge of the Organisation based on rumours.

At the end of the encounter, the women and youth leaders made a commitment to becoming messengers of peace and spread the word on UNOCI activities to promote peace on the ground. The departmental director for youth services who led the Akoupé delegation stressed the need to pursue the collaboration between UNOCI and his group with the aim of consolidating peace, social cohesion and national reconciliation in Akoupé. He also expressed the hope that the relationship between UNOCI and the people of Akoupé is further strengthened.