ONUCI Tour goes to Doké : local people happy to be better informed

26 Nov 2015

ONUCI Tour goes to Doké : local people happy to be better informed

The community sensitisation caravan of the United Nations in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), ONUCI Tour, on 25 November 2015, made a stop in the sous-préfecture of Doké, situated at some 590 km west of Abidjan, to discuss a number of issues with local people.

Visibly happy to receive representatives of the UN Mission in his locality, the Sous-préfet, Kouadio Koffi, did not hide this fact at the opening of the sensitisation session. « The need for information on your mandate and mission means that UNOCI is much appreciated among the people. This is why I'm particularly pleased to see you here in Doké so that you can better explain such issues as land ownership, gender-based violence, security and social cohesion to people», he said.

Representatives of UNOCI's Public Information, Civil Affairs, Human Rights and Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration sections discussed their respective mandates and activities with participants. The main focus of the discussions were respect for traditional authorities, managing rumours, the importance of disarmament for the preservation of peace, the fight to end gender-based violence, early pregnancy, the protection of women's and children's rights and better management of land ownership problems.

Soem two thirds of the participants were women and all of them said they agreed with the messages promoted by UNOCI. Speaking on their behalf, Martine Gbahou Deba, pleaded for their concerns to be taken into account in order to help them become financially independent.

Your visit has given us the opportunity to understand a lot of things

« We women are particularly pleased with the information you have given us today because all the issues raised concern us. We would also like to help UNOCI to help us with income-generating activities and support our children, », said the spokesperson for the women.

For his part, the village chief, Jules Louis Gueï, expressed his community's gratitude to the UN Mission. « Our people are happy because now they are better informed with regard to UNOCI's work in Côte d'Ivoire. Your visit has provided us with the opportunity to understand a lot of things,», he said.

It should be noted that Doké village has been going through a leadership dispute with regard to the traditional authorities since the post-electoral crisis. However, different mediation efforts have resulted in the election of Benjamin Kéi Téa as chief of the community.