ONUCI Tour in Facobly : Villages in the Sous-préfecture call for consolidation of peace and strengthening of social cohesion

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19 Dec 2014

ONUCI Tour in Facobly : Villages in the Sous-préfecture call for consolidation of peace and strengthening of social cohesion

« There is a time for war and a time for peace. As a representative of the Government, I would like to ask for your indulgence and your involvement in turning the sad page of the past and move along the road to peace as the slogan of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) says. We must move on because we need to overcome many challenges ».

These were the words of the deputy prefect of Facobly, Armel N'Goran Koffi in his introductory remarks at the sensitisation and information activity known as ONUCI Tour, organised in Facobly on Thursday, 18 December 2014.

Some 50 participants, who came mainly from the villages of Soumayé and Kriao, as well as neighbourhoods in the main town of the sous-préfecture and included traditonla chiefs, opinion leaders, representatives of women's and youth groups in Facobly, took part in the discussions organised by UNOCI's regional office based in Man. The discussion focused on the strengthening of social cohesion, respect for authority, the rule of law and human rights in order to preserve a peaceful social eonvironment.

Participants included the village chief and ex-member of parliament of Facobly Soué André, Sylvestre Doué, ex-combatant Anatole Ipoté and a female ex-combtant and president of the women's association of Binkadi, Madjalia Ouattara, as well as Daniel Dria, youth leader in Facobly. They all highlighted the importance of reconciliation, dialogue and forgiveness. But they also insisted that reconciliation must go hand in hand with repentance, social reinsertion and reparation in order to strengthen cohesion between communities and re-establish peace.

UNOCI's Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) Division and the regional office of National Authority for DDR (ADDR), also took part in the sensitisation session. The chief of ADDR's regional office, Adama Bailou and UNOCI's DDR Officer based in Man, John Nsengo, both explained the security challenges of the DDR process before urging participants to hand in their weapons and benefit from community reinsertion programmes.

Participants thanked UNOCI for organising the event and made a commitment to consolidate peace in the village and region by carrying out actions which mobilise people. They also highlighted the threats to social cohesion such as insecurity and asked for a more efficient legal system.

In response to some of their concerns, the sous-prefect, Armel N'Goran Koffi, reassured them that the local and national authorities would take the appropriate measures to address these. He promised that the necessary solutions will be found to strengthen social cohesion and consolidate peace.

UNOCI's civilian, military and police components who took part in the discussions highlighted the cooperation and consultation between them and the local authorities in order to strengthen social cohesion, security and peace which are necessary for development.