Special Representative appeals for dialogue between Ivorian Government and Opposition to continue

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13 May 2015

Special Representative appeals for dialogue between Ivorian Government and Opposition to continue

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, on Tuesday, 12 May 2015, appealed for a continuation of dialogue between the Ivorian Government and Opposition. Mrs Mindaoudou made her plea after meeting the Minister of State in the President's Office, Jeannot Ahoussou-Kouadio, on 12 May 2015.

« I came here to make a plea for the resumption of political dialogue and I was happy with the information given by the Minister of State with regard to this matter, » said Mrs Mindaoudou, adding that it was « important for the Government and political parties to maintain regular and constant dialogue, »

Speaking at the end of his meeting with the Special Representative, the Minister of State announced to the Press that dialogue between the Government and Opposition parties was to resume soon. « After a meeting of the Permanent Framework for Dialogue, which is due to be held on 26 May 2015, we agreed that we were going to meet with the political parties to discuss various issues including access to State Media, freedom of expression and a follow-up to the financing of political parties, »} said Jeannot Ahoussou-Kouadio.

The Special Representative also appealed to « political parties and civil society to favour dialogue and consultation ». She urged every Ivorian to put the general interest of the country above all else and « to assume their responsability in order to ensure that the country does not return to the past».

In conclusion, Mrs Mindaoudou said that democracy was a fundamental concern for the United Nations because it encompasses rights and duties. « The balance between rights and duties in democracy creates stability, social cohesion and peace », she stressed.

The meeting between the Special Representative and the Minister of State is part of their regular encounters to discuss the ongoing political dialogue.