Special Representative hands over keys to Henri Konan Bédié Cultural Centre in Bouaflé renovated by UNOCI

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24 Feb 2015

Special Representative hands over keys to Henri Konan Bédié Cultural Centre in Bouaflé renovated by UNOCI

Some ten months after the signing of an agreement for the rehabilitation of the Henri Konan Bédié Cultural Centre in Bouaflé, situated at some 300 km from Abidjan in central Côte d'Ivoire, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, on Monday, 23 February 2015, handed over the keys to the newly-renovated centre. The work was funded through the Quick Impact Project programme of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).

After receiving a request from the Mayor and the people of Bouaflé during UNOCI's information and sensitization campaign known as United Nations Days (UN Days) organized in the capital of Marahoué Region on 24 April 2014, the Special Representative agreed to the Mission funding the renovation of the Centre was was dilapidated and abandoned. "We came here and you spoke with us. We listened and promised to help and we have carried out our promise," said the head of UNOCI during the handover ceremony which was atteneded by the Prefect of the Region, Adrien Kouamé Gbamelé, local government officials, elected officials and dignitaries from the region, traditional leaders, local federations and women's associations, as well as various civil society representatives from Bouaflé and its environs.

The Special Representative expressed the hope that the activities carried out in the centre will contribute to strengthening social cohesion and reconciliation which characterizes Bouaflé. Mrs Mindaoudou encouraged local authorities and residents to consolidate this spirit. " Bouaflé must stay faithful to its reputation, that is to say that this cosmopolitan town must remain a symbol of cohesion and melting pot of different cultures", she added.

In addition, the Special Representative drew the audience's attention on the need "to do a little bit more" to protect their social cohesion. In this regard, she highlighted the fact that words and hurt feelings could have a negative impact on the peaceful environment that "Bouafleans are bathing in at the moment". "2015 is an important year, the year of the first post-crisis presidential elections, so it is a period during which political messages will not always advocate cohesion," she warned, before calling on local authorities and the people to do everything to ensure that their locality continue to serve as a model of social cohesion.

For his part, the Mayor of Bouaflé, Mr. Nene Bi Lucien, expressed joy and happiness at the newly-renovated centre and thanked the Special Representative and UNOCI for having funded the cultural centre which he said was "the only place for cultural, religious, administrative, political events in the whole region. The Mayor compared the cultural centre to Côte d'Ivoire, adding that like the centre, the country had become outmoded, distorted after the crisis, while today it was once again useful, acceptable, admired and respectable.

The ceremony ended with a guided visit around the centre and the Special Representative promising to furnish the HKB hall which can accommodate 600 seated places.