Special Representative meets Ivorian MP to discuss situation in the country

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13 Feb 2015

Special Representative meets Ivorian MP to discuss situation in the country

UN Special Representative in Cote d'Ivoire, Aichatou Mindaoudou received in audience the Ivorian Member of Parliament for the Port Bouet district of Abidjan, Kouadio Konan Bertin aka KKB on Thursday 12 February 2015 at the HQ of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) to discuss the overall political situation in the country.

"We spoke about the need to pull our efforts together so that the 2015 elections should turn out to be one that reconciles Ivorians who have the obligation to demonstrate to the world their capability to take care of themselves," the MP for Port-Bouet said.

Mr. Kouadio reiterated the rules of democracy: respect for the physical condition of candidates, security guarantee for all, transparency in all phases of the election and respect for the verdict of the polls.

"Bearing in mind the imminent role of UNOCI in the process, it is important that we come from time to time to discuss our views with the institution," he concluded.