President of LIDER received by Special Representative

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21 Jul 2014

President of LIDER received by Special Representative

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aichatou Mindaoudou, on Tuesday, 15 July 2014, received the president of the Liberty and Democracy for the Republic (LIDER) political party, Mr. Mamadou Koulibaly and his delegation at the headquarters of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) in Abidjan. Speaking after the encounter, Mr. Coulibaly said he and his delegation had come to express their concerns to the Special Representative regarding the electoral process, especially the composition of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), the electoral timetable and the security situation.

{«We would all like to have elections and we would like these elections to be held under the best possible conditions so that there is no crisis before or after them,»} said the president of LIDER, who pleaded for consensus in this regard.

« We must have dialogue. There should be discussions so that the Government and the Opposition, as well as political elites and the political class can agree on the minimum, » he insisted.

{«Mrs Mindaoudou assured us that she will continue to hold discussions with all the concerned parties to ensure that everything goes well with regard to the holding of the elections»}, the president of LIDER concluded.