Review of the Ivorian Press, Monday 15 July 2013

15 Jul 2013

Review of the Ivorian Press, Monday 15 July 2013

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan:

The UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) has called on the Ivorian government

to open an investigation into the violent clashes between the native Baoule

people and the settler community which took place on Friday 12 July in Agovia,

50 km from Boaufle. UNOCI Spokesperson, Sylvie Van Den Wildenberg announced

over  the UN Radio, ONUCI FM that the UN mission, at the request of the Ivorian

authorities, had sent UNOCI troops to reinforce the Ivorian army (FRCI) to

restore order in the area following the death of three persons. "The situation

calmed down yesterday but remains tense," she said.



(Ivorian News Agency):

The Prefect of Tabou (south-west) said on Sunday that a joint surveillance

patrol of the Ivorian army and UNOCI Force has been deployed along the

Ivorian-Liberian border. He told AIP that "our role is to keep our forces on the

alert so as to continue to guarantee the security of the population."


L'Expression, L'Intelligent d'Abidjan:

The head of UNOCI Human Rights Office, Eugene Nindorera has reiterated that the

UN Mission continues to to stand by the Ivorian government and its people, as

well as the Commission for Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation  (CDVR) in order

to assist them in the national reconciliation process. He was speaking in

Yamoussoukro on Saturday at the close of a 3-day colloquium aimed at identifying

the root causes of the Ivorian crisis. Fraternite Matin 

highlights the closing remarks of the CDVR Chairman, Charles Konan Banny who

said "it was no secret to anyone that the present problems in Cote d'Ivoire are

rooted in persistent questions that have been undermined and evaded for a long

time. These include the problem of land ownership, democracy,citizenship and

nationality, justice and security, education and youth, among others." The CDVR

Chairman also disclosed that he has been in constant touch with the FPI in a bid

to enlist its participation in the reconciliation process. "Our role is to

establish the best conditions for an inclusive, participatory and consultative

reconciliation," he declared.


L'Intelligent d'Abidjan:

The President of LIDER party, Mamadou Koulibaly says  "the cause of our present

difficulties is linked t the collective ownership of our lands and their

confiscation by the state which has for a very long-time expropriated the lands

of the rural population." The solution, he said, is clear: "restore the land to

its legitimate owners, the people. Privatising the land, he said, would

facilitate the effective fight against the theft of plots of land by the

administration, land conflicts and poverty.




Some 124 Ivorian refugees from Ghana and Togo have returned home through a

voluntary repatriation programme run by the SAARA service. More than 250,000

Ivorians took refuge in neighbouring countries during the post electoral armed

conflict between pro-Gbagbo and pro-Ouattara forces. Today about 50,000 of them

are still in exile i