Review of the Ivorian Press, Monday 24 June 2013

25 Jun 2013

Review of the Ivorian Press, Monday 24 June 2013

Nord-Sud: The government and opposition parties were today due to resume talks aimed at normalising the political situation in the country. While government Spokesman Bruno Kone declares that "national reconciliation has made significant progress", the opposition states that "the reconciliation process has not moved an inch and as time goes by, frustrations can only increase."

Le Patriote, L'Expresssion, Le Mandat, Le Nouveau Reveil: The President of the Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Party (PDCI), Henri Konan Bedie who is also Chairman of the conference of presidents of the Rally of Houphouetists for Demcracy and Peace, (RHDP) has said the RHDP alliance must be maintained and everything must be done to strengthen it. Speaking on the French television channel TV5 yesterday, Mr. Bedie said the RHDP had made it possible to put an end to the dictatorship of Laurent Gbagbo.

L'Inter, L'Expression: Ivorian security forces in the south-west town of Tabou and their counterparts in the Liberian town of Harper have undertaken to carry out joint surveillance along their 600km-long common border. The commitment was made last Wednesday during the Mano River Basin Commission meeting. Ivorian forces have been attacked on several occasions by armed assailants from Liberia causing the loss of several lives.

AIP (Ivorian News Agency): The Secretary-General of the Prefecture of Odienne has called for vigilance and frank collaboration between the population and the defense and security forces in order to face the jihadist threat. At the inauguration of the Moslem cultural centre in Odienne, Mr. Charif Brahima called on Moslem faithful "not to allow jihadists, who have a strange concept of Islam, to prosper in their midst because they tarnish the image of their religion."

Le Mandat:A miliary envoy of the Obama administration was recently in Cote d'Ivoire to prepare a seminar on a national security plan. The envoy, the Director of the American Centre for Civilian-Military Relations in Africa, Eugene Mensch and the military attache at the American embassy in Cote d'Ivoire met with officials of the Ivorian defense, security, health and communication ministries to discuss the American initiative aimed at dealing with the terrorist threat in the world.

Nord-Sud: Some 345 police officers of all grades have been summoned to appear before the police disciplinary council tomorrow. After questioning, they would have to wait for 3 days for their verdict to be pronounced.

L'Inter, Fraternite Matin, Soir Info, LG Infos, L'Expression, Le Mandat:The Basilica of Notre Dame de la Paix in Yamoussoukro was burgled on Saturday night by four armed robbers. They are said to have escaped with several valuable objects after struggling in vain to break the chains securing the 2 metre-long cross on the altar of the church.

AIP (Ivorian News Agency), L'Inter: Some 26, 304 persons in the south-west of Cote d'Ivoire have been identified as stateless as they possess no identification papers indicating to which country they belong. The UN High Commission for Refugees says it obtained the figure after carrying out a census in Sassandra, Soubre, San Pedro and Tabou.