22 Oct 2009


Duékoué, 16 October 2009... The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), on 16 October 2009, organized a mini-marathon entitled "Duekoué runs for peace", in an effort to encourage the consolidation of peace in the Duekoué area, in the west of the country.

About 200 people participated in the competition, running from the primary school in Guitrozon village to the public square in Duekoué town centre – a distance of 7 kilometres. People in Guitrozon and Duekoué lined the route to cheer the athletes.

The race, organized by UNOCI's Public Information Office and Civil Affairs Section, was aimed at creating a framework for reconciliation between residents of Guitrozon and Duekoué. Security for the event was provided by the local police, supported by the Moroccan battalion which had a medical team on standby.

"This race is for us a framework of reconciliation for the population who must talk to each other and be at the same level of understanding on all issues", said UNOCI's focal point in Duekoué, Jean-Marie Kalama. "Our only message today is 'let us hold hands, avoid division and walk together toward peace'," he added.

The sports event was organized as a prelude to the celebration of the United Nations Day, on 24 October 2009.

"By organizing this event, UNOCI is laying the foundation for peace and and giving us the opportunity to close the chapter on the sad events which upset this town's life", said the representative of the Mayor of Duekoué, Pascal Glou Tia, referring to killings which occurred in June 2005 in Guitrozon.

"It is beautiful to be together, united and looking in the same direction", said the secretary general of the prefecture of Duekoué, Kouame Tibet-Bi. "Leave behind you recriminations and go toward reconciliation and cohesion so that everyone can live happily," added Mr. Tibet-Bi.

The winners of the race, in each category – youths, seniors and women – as well as amateur singers who participated in a singing competition, were rewarded with trophies and medals donated by UNOCI. They also received other gifts, including umbrellas, exercise books and sun hats.

UNOCI uses sport as a way of enhancing social cohesion and promoting national reconciliation. It often organizes and supports sporting events in order to promote peace and encourage people to become involved in the crisis-resolution process.