Mangouin and Yrogouin villages mobilise to promote social cohesion

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25 Nov 2014

Mangouin and Yrogouin villages mobilise to promote social cohesion

The mobile sensitisation team of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) in Man held a public meeting with the inhabitants of Mangouin and Yrogouin villages, Biankouma Sub Prefecture on 12 November 2014 in a bid to promote social cohesion and consolidate peace.

About a hundred people and notables from 11 other villages from the canton of The joined the Mangouin and Yrogouin inhabitants for the meeting which was attended by the Sub Prefect of Biankouma, Boly Djedje. The civilian, police and military staff of UNOCI took turns to explain the need for peace and social cohesion.

The Sub Prefect urged the population to uphold the actions of UNOCI to whom he paid homage for its long standing efforts to consolidate peace in Cote d'Ivoire.

The municipal councilor at the Biankouma Mayor's office and a native of Mangouin, Goueu Soumahoro said the population had understood UNOCI's message and had made a commitment to promote unity and mutual understanding between Mangouin and Yrogouin villages.

The meeting took place in a warm and cordial atmosphere and ended with a request to the local authorities to help rehabilitate the water storage tank which has been in disrepair for several years.