Lokosso population urged to strengthen social cohesion

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13 Nov 2014

Lokosso population urged to strengthen social cohesion

The UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) has been discussing with the people of Lokosso (517 km north-west of Abidjan) about the 2015 presidential election, rural land ownership and the Ebola virus fever.

At a sensitization meeting conducted by officials from UNOCI Civil Affairs, Public Information and Human Rights offices and UN Police as well as partners from the Ivorian Ministries of Health and Agriculture on 12 November 2014, the people were told to respect the right of one another to go to the polls and express their opinion during the coming elections. "Every person of voting age is free to support the candidate of his choice during the campaigns," Pierre Aby of the Public Information Office said.

Ramillo Rudagari of Civil Affairs warned against stigmatizing persons who are natives of countries affected by the Ebola virus. This he said could threaten social cohesion

Esther Esso of Human Rights division recalled certain principles of human rights such as the right to legal recognition, education, health and to vote. She spoke about violence against women and girls such as rape, early marriage and female genital excision which she said could be the source of HIV/AIDS, tetanus and some gynaecological complications

Aly Diop of UN Police spoke of the mandate of his department which is to assist the Ivorian security in their daily work. "Our duty is to prevent abuses and threats to your security. I urge you to collaborate with the local and impartial forces," he advised.

Dr. Nguessan Kouassi of the Regional Health Centre in Duekoue spoke about the Ebola virus fever and what people should do to avoid contracting the disease while the regional chief of lands and surveys, Teya Koffi educated the population on the 1998 land law which aims at promoting social cohesion, traditional laws and custom.

The Chief of Lokosso village, Romani Diet expressed gratitude to UNOCI for its initiative and requested the Mission to organise intercommunity dialogue aimed at finding lasting solutions to land problems and strengthen social cohesion.