Kouassi Ndawa village on the road to peace

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24 Feb 2014

Kouassi Ndawa village on the road to peace

The UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) on 21 February 2014 organised a sensitization campaign in the Kouassi Ndawa village, Bondoukou Sub Prefecture, 432 km north-east of Abidjan on the theme:

UNOCI Public Information Officer in Bondoukou, Desire Ndagijimana began by explaining the mandate of the UN Mission and said the meeting falls within the framework of UN sensitization for the preservation of peace and the reinforcement of social cohesion. While congratulating the village for its exemplary conduct with respect to social cohesion, he encouraged the village authorities to always remain vigilant and to cultivate the values of peace based on political, ethnic and religious tolerance.

The village Chief, Nanan Adou Kouadjio reassured everyone that "Koaussi Ndawa village is and will always march on the road to peace."

A member of UN Police, Laurent Naraguma discussed the protection of civilians and the fight against gender-based violence. He sensitized village authorities on the handling of cases of violence in which girls and women are victims and advised them against out-of-court settlement of such cases because it promotes the impunity of perpetrators.

For her part, the director of the legal clinic, Jules Yvonne Kodja explained the assistance her institution gives to the population by helping them bring cases before the competent courts in order to seek redress. She called on the population to seek redress in the legal system and avoid using violence to settle differences. She told them to consult the legal clinic for practical advice and counseling.