Gagnoa: Elites, senior officials and youths sensitized on prevention of land disputes

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24 Jun 2014

Gagnoa: Elites, senior officials and youths sensitized on prevention of land disputes

Some 50 elites, managerial staff and youths of Goh, Loh Djiboua and Gbokle regions met in Gagnoa on the 19 and 20 of June 2014 at the initiative of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) to reflect on the theme: "The contribution of regional opinion leaders in the consolidation of peace, national reconciliation and development."

Presiding over the discussion, the Prefect of Gagnoa, Remi Nzi Kangah called on the opinion leaders to face their responsibilities. "No one is going to descend from another planet to impose peace or social cohesion on Ivorians," he said. He told them to exercise conscience in decision making, saying they should promote actions aimed at consolidating peace in their respective regions and having at the back of their mind that UNOCI will not be here forever.

The Coordinator of UNOCI Sector West Office, Ousmane Kane reiterated the commitment of the UN Mission to the national reconciliation and reconstruction process in Cote d'Ivoire. "For UNOCI, it is important to have a credible, transparent and inclusive mechanism to be put in place to organise democratic and transparent elections that should hold in a peaceful environment," he explained.

UNOCI's national partners including the National Programme for Social Cohesion and the National Human Rights Commission gave talks on the consolidation of peace while the NGO, delivered a talk on "communication techniques for behavioural change".

Sub themes discussed included the challenges related to rural land ownership, the prevention and the management of inter-communal conflicts delivered by the Prosecutor of the Gagnoa Magistrate's Court, Boubacar Coulibaly. He gave responses to legal questions related to the various types of land cases arising in the different regions as well as the procedure for registering lands and the legal procedure for settling land disputes.

The discussion rounded up with recommendations related to equitable justice and the fight against impunity; respect for the laws of the republic; reinforcing security in the three regions and the cantonment of members of the Armed Forces; the promotion of a republican army and the disarming of (traditional hunters); the demobilisation and reintegration of ex-combatants as well as the respect for traditional and administrative authorities.

The discussion platform was organized within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution 2112 which gives mandate to UNOCI to promote peace among Ivorians.