Discussion Platform on Elections: Youths, women, electoral officials from political parties and civil society commit to a peaceful electoral process in 2015 in Côte d’Ivoire

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22 Dec 2014

Discussion Platform on Elections: Youths, women, electoral officials from political parties and civil society commit to a peaceful electoral process in 2015 in Côte d’Ivoire

Women, youths, electoral officials from political parties and civil society groups have reaffirmed their commitment and determination in favour of a peaceful electoral process in 2015, in Côte d'Ivoire.

This was what came out of workshops held on the second day of the seminar organised to set up a United Nations Platform of Exchange with political actors and civil society on elections in Côte d'Ivoire in partnership with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), held on 18 and 19 December 2014 at the headquarters of the UN Mission in Abidjan.

Speaking at the event, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou reiterated the commitment of the United Nations agencies and that of the UN Mission to accompany the country until the end of the electoral process in accordance with their means an available resources and their respective mandate. «The mission will have a role to play in accompanying the Independent Electoral Commission as regards security arrangements, and will also continue its good offices, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2162».

Mrs Mindaoudou said she was pleased with the recommendations which came out of the seminar. "Together, we will see how best to define the strategies and activities", she said. She also announced that a follow-up meeting will be organised in January 2015.

For his part, the president of the IEC, Mr. Youssouf Bakayoko, said he had taken note of the recommendations. He stressed the need for communication and information during the electoral process. In this regard, he asked for assistance from UNOCI and its radio, ONUCI FM in producing informative programmes during the different stages of the democratic electoral process for Ivorians.

The message of the Ivorian Government was delivered by the Minister of State to the President, Mr. Jeannot Ahoussou Kouadio. In reference to concerns raised about security during discussions with participants, the Minister said : « The Government is making every effort to resolve this problem and calls on everyone to become involved in the search for solutions, » he added. He also reassured participants and heads of institutions that the Government is committed to holding elections which conform with international standards.

Minister Ahoussou said that the seminar had provided the opportunity to put together efforts to promote inclusive political dialogue to create the right conditions for the holding of free, regular, transparent and open presidential elections. Concerning the direct responsibility of social and political actors in ensuring a peaceful electoral environment in Côte d'Ivoire, the Minister of State appealed to civil society and political actors to do all they can to ensure « a political offer of quality which responds to the expectations of citizens ».

In conclusion, Mr. Jeannot Ahoussou Kouadio asked all the national institutions in charge of organising the elections to ensure « they meet the challenge of organising elections which are transparent, impartial, balanced and just».