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13 Aug 2013


The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) continues its sensitisation sessions in the different localities in Côte d'Ivoire as a way of promoting the peace process. On Friday, 9 August 2013, villagers in Seipleu, in the sous-préfecture of Bin-Houyé, in the far west of Côte d'Ivoire, welcomed a delegation of the UN Mission which came to discuss several issues linked to gender-based violence, the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) process, strengthening social cohesion, humanitarian assistance and development.

The meeting, which was attended by the different communities in the village, was held in partnership with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Ivorian Authority for DDR (ADDR) and the Réseau Paix et Security des Femmes de l'Espace CEDEAO (REPSEFECO)

The village chief of Seipleu, Kouemi Gonly Etienne, thanked UNOCI for its efforts to promote the return of peace which would allow them to carry out their daily activities. He said the population had taken noted of UNOCI recommendations. «We are going to sensitise our youths on the need to hand in their weapons voluntarily in order to benefit from community projects and so that they can also start income-generating activities organised by the ADDR for the well-being of our village and our hope is that you will return to see the fruits of today's meeting ».

For their part, the villagers asked that a health clinic is built in the village and raised concerns over the occupation of the nearby classified forest. Speaking on behalf of the women, their president, Adèle Gondy, asked for a special sensitisation session to be organised discuss their involvement in the peace process and decision-making and gender-based violence.

A similar activity was organised on Tuesday, 6 August 2013, as part of the Mission's sensitisation activities for local communities, known as « UNOCI Tour », in Seibly, in the sous-prefecture of Bakoubly, in the department of Toulepleu.

It was an occasion for UNOCI to appeal to local people to invest in reconciliation and social cohesion in order to become an example in the department of Toulepleu. The ADDR also took the opportunity to present five ex-combatants who had voluntarily handed in their weapons and benefitted from reintegration projects, to the local people. « Do what they have done, come and hand in your weapons, you will be given a project which will not only help you generate income but will also help to develop your village, » said Jérôme N'Dri of ADDR.

The sous-prefect, Koffi Emile, had expressed the hope that the session be held as part of the celebrations for Ivorian independence day, which according to him was an occasion to persuade people to make peace and promote reconciliation as a way to rebuild their community. Mr. Koffi also asked people to join the fight against the spreading of rumours.

Villagers, for their part, requested that electricity be installed in their village and a canteen be provided for local school children.