Bongouanou hosts the final edition of United Nations Days and makes a commitment to promote reconciliation and social cohesion

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26 Jun 2015

Bongouanou hosts the final edition of United Nations Days and makes a commitment to promote reconciliation and social cohesion

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, after taking part in a seminar on democratic crowd control for local government leaders and Ivorian forces, went to Bongouanou to participate in the 40th edition of United Nations Days on Thursday, 25 June 2015.

During the celebrations, the Special Representative donated wheelchairs and other medical equipment bought with funds provided by the United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA). to the district health authorities in the town. The head of UNOCI also handed out prizes to 100 of the best female pupils from primary and secondary schools in Moronou region, at a ceremony for which she had been designated chief guest. The "Amazones", the name given to the group of girls who had excelled academically, promised to behaviour in an exemplary manner in their respective schools. They also promised to work to sensitise their peers against early pregnancy.

For her part, Mrs Mindaoudou advised them to study well in school and to be good examples for others through their behaviour. She encouraged them to be humble, courageous and to persevere to be the best in their work.

UN Days in Bongouanou brought to a close the 2014-2015 series of United Nations Days, which has been organized in different parts of the country since December 2009 to meet people, explain UNOCI's mandate and sensitise them on the importance of becoming involved in promoting national reconciliation, peace and social cohesion. UN Days are organized in partnership with local authorities and residents and United Nations agencies.

" {I would like to particularly thank Madam Prefect for all that she has done to bring together the sons and daughters of the region}," said the head of UNOCI. "{We have come to you at a time when the electoral process is on course, it is a time when elected representatives, local members of parliament and traditional leaders should now more than ever play their role fully in order to ensure that the democratic process is respected. I would like to urge you and encourage you to be aware of your civic duties and to behave accordingly because the period of history that Cote d'Ivoire is moving towards with the holding of these elections, must lead to lasting peace}", said Mrs Mindaoudou. She then reiterated the United Nations readiness to help Ivorians in their quest for reconciliation and cohesion between the sons and daughters of the region.

The Prefect of Moronou Region, Mrs Nemlin Houandé Henriette, in a frank speech, called on the population in general, and political party representatives in particular, to show the crowd of 2000 people in the town square, that the recommendations that they made voluntarily on behalf of their political parties would be taken seriously. "Embrace each other and then lets go and eat the meal that has been offered by all the political party leaders at one of your sister's house. " {Reconciliation consists of each and every one of us taking a step towards the other}", she insisted.

During her speech, the Prefect also spoke about the importance of sending children to school, especially helping girls to continue their studies under the best conditions. She said that Bongouanou was known for being the town with the third highest cases of schoolgirl pregnancy with some 186 cases being registered in primary schools this year. She urged parents not to neglect their responsibilities and to continue to sensitise their daughters on the dangers of becoming pregnant at a young age.