20th Togolese Contingent receives United Nations Medal

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17 Nov 2014

20th Togolese Contingent receives United Nations Medal

Peacekeepers from the Togolese Battalion (TOGOBATT) of the United Nations Operation Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) were on Thursday, 13 November 2014, decorated with the United Nations Medal in Abidjan by the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire and head of UNOCI, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou.

The ceremony was held in the presence of the representative of the Chief of Staff of the Togolese Army, Colonel Tozoun Egnonam, Commander of the National Gendarmerie nationale, Brigadier-Général Vako Bamba, and UNOCI Force Commander, General Hafiz Masroor Ahmed.

Speaking at the medal parade ceremony, the Special Representative told the recipients : "On behalf of the United Nations family, I would like to express our satisfaction with the quality of service that you have provided, but moreover for Togo, your country's commitment to the return of peace in Côte d'Ivoire » She also highlighted the essential role played by TOGOBATT within the Mission's military component in Abidjan. « This contingent has always carried out its mission with efficiency, devotion and professionalism.

Directly addressing the Togolese peacekeepers the Special Representative urged them to continue to carry out their tasks with dedication, ardour and discipline.

The Commander of the 20th Togolese Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Sogouyou said that his contingent consisted of 456 soldiers including 18 women. He praised the work of his troops in their areas of responsibility. TOGOBATT is responsible for « providing security and humanitarian assistance to the general population. The peacekeepers carry out day and night patrols, provide security escort for humanitarian convoys, support embargo and Disarmament, Demoblisation and Reintegration (DDR) operations and give free medical consultations to people in need.

The ceremony included close combat demonstrations and a parade by different sections of TOGOBATT.