Cavally Regional Council equipped with a community radio

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7 Oct 2015

Cavally Regional Council equipped with a community radio

The Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire and Resident Representative of the United Nations Programme for Development (UNDP), Mbaye Babacar Cisse, on 5 October 2015, attended the inauguration of a community radio in the Cavally Region. Baptised ''Radio Cavally'' and broadcasting on et on 106.4 FM, the station received funds totalling 42,516,871 FCFA (approximately ) from UNDP to buy equipment and furnish its offices.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Babacar Cisse expressed the hope of seeing the regional and community radio contribute to creating a peaceful environment for presidential election. {« During the electoral process, it should also serve a place for discussions relecting different opinions within the framework of a public debate. It should also broadcast messages of peace and acceptance of each other's differences »}, said the UNDP Resident Representative.

He also expressed the hope that « Radio Cavally'' which will broadcast over an area of 11,265 km² and cover Guiglo, Bloléquin, Toulépleu and Taï, will {« from now on reach Ivorians who are on the other side of the border in order to sensitise them and encourage them to return »}.

Be assured that our radio is going to broadcast messages of peace

The president of the Regional Council, Dagobert Banzio, - the happy beneficiary of the UNDP funding - expressed his gratitude to the United Nations for its multiform assistance to the people of Cavally. {« Radio is an important instrument of sensitisation, education, training, and bringing people together in order to encourage them to work for the development in their region. Be assured that our radio will broadcast messages of peace, reconciliation and social cohesion for the well-being of all the inhabitants of Cavally »}, said Mr. Banzio, in response to the hope expressed by the UNDP Resident Representative.

At the end of the ceremony, invited guests, such as Deputy Special Representative, the president of the Regional Council, the Prefect of Cavally Region, Messamba Kone, and the secretary-general of Abidjan district, Michel Benoit Koffi, took part in a live broadcast at the radio. This provided them with an opportunity to urge listners to work for peaceful elections in order to guarantee peace and social cohesion.

In additon to the radio, other structures built by the Regional Council, such as the conference hall and its newly-renovated headquarters, were also inaugurated.