A colloqium on the role of the Media, Civil Society and Political groups and parties in conflict prevention and reconstruction opens in Abidjan

30 Sep 2015

A colloqium on the role of the Media, Civil Society and Political groups and parties in conflict prevention and reconstruction opens in Abidjan

The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), in partnership with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) the body in charge of elections, is organising a colloqium on the theme : « Media, Civil Society, Political Groups and Parties for Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction » in Abidjan on 1st and 2nd October 2015.

Media professionals, representatives of political parties and groups and civil society, religious organisations and traditional chiefs will be called on to contribute to strengthening dialogue, open debate, and the establishment of a peaceful climate before, during and after the presidential election in October 2015, during the meetings.

During two days, participants and panelists, experts in various fields, will discuss four sub-themes : ''Mechanisms for conflict-prevention and protection of civilians'' ; ''The Role of Women and Youths, political groups and parties and religious leaders in security and consolidation of peace'' ; ''Media, political parties and civil society : an example of a successful combination for peaceful elections'' and ''The role of media regulation for the consolidation of peace''.

The discussions will conclude with recommendations and the reading of a declaration outlining the commitment of the different actors to work for the creation of a peaceful climate favourable to the consolidation peace and democracy in Côte d'Ivoire.

The meeting, which will bring together different target groups, is part of the different sectoral encounters organised in the last few months throughout the country by the United Nations as well as its partners.

The high-level encounter, which is taking place one week before the start of the presidential electoral campaign, is part of the United Nations accompaniment of Côte d'Ivoire for the consolidation of peace, national reconciliation and strengthening of the gains already made, with the aim of ensuring a successful election, whose results will be accepted by everyone.