ONUCI Tour stops in Koni

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1 Jun 2015

ONUCI Tour stops in Koni

How local people collaborate with the security forces, respect for human rights, promoting social cohesion, the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) and the organization of peaceful elections: these were the topics of discussion at a meeting organised by the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) at Koni, 590 km north of Abidjan on Thursday, 28 May 2015.

"UNOCI will continue to support Ivorian authorities during the reconciliation and stabilization process in view of peaceful elections in 2015," the head of the UN mission delegation Marta Romero told those who had gathered for the meeting.

For its part, the deputy prefect of Koni, Alphonse Konko, thanked the UN delegation for continually sensitizing the population. "The objective of UNOCI's advice is to help create a society in which human rights are respected especially the rights of women living in rural areas, who are frequently victims of the gender-based violence," he said.

UNOCI's Public Information Office, Civil Affairs Section and Police component known as UNPOL, each in turn explained their roles in the peace consolidation process and the protection of civilians.

After various presentations, the participants discussed how people cooperate with local security forces, land disputes, support for the economic independence of women in rural areas, promoting social cohesion, the fight against excision and early marriages and how best to develop the locality.

In addition to the local authorities and leaders of the sub-prefecture of Koni, the village chief and his entourage, community leaders and several women's groups, participated in this activity of information, exchange and sensitization.