Special Representative participates in lunchtime discussion on security sector reform

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8 May 2015

Special Representative participates in lunchtime discussion on security sector reform

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, on 5 May 2015, took part in the 27th session of lunchtime discussions organised by the Security Sector Reform (SSR) Division of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI).

The theme of the session was « Reform of the Defence Sector : Challenges and Perspectives » and had the Ivorian Minister delegated to the Presidents Office in charge of Defence, Mr. Paul Koffi Koffi as special guest. The event was also attended by several representatives of civil society groups and political parties.

Referring to the theme of the session, the Special Representative said that recent events had shown how important it was. For Mrs Mindaoudou, SSR was at the heart of any post-crisis reform for the consolidation of peace in Côte d'Ivoire.

She stressed that an SSR process must have a national character on levels; from the drawing up of a strategy, through its implementation, to its evaluation. The United Nations, according to the head of UNOCI, like other international partners, could then provide technical and financial assistance while always taking into account the fundamental principle of respect for sovereignty.

« Aside from State institutions, SSR also calls on civil society in all its diversity to become involved. Opinion and political leaders also have a determining role to play, especially when it comes to sensitizing and communicating with ordinary people on how they can contribute to a constructive dialogue with political authorities who in charge of SSR," said the Special Representative.

Addressing the Defence Minister, she welcomed his presence at the discussion, which according to her is further proof of the Government's political will to inform and solicit the opinions of ordinary citizens on the state of progress of the SSR process in Côte d'Ivoire and on the implementation of reform in the national defence.

For his part, the Minister delegated to the President's Office in charge of Defence outlined the current situation in the SSR process. He presented a model army which is in the process of being built and outlined the reforms which have already been initiated. According to the Minister the reforms are with regard to the strengthening the judicial and institutional framework of the army.

These reform are also with regard to the reorganisation of structures and management of human resources. They are also linked to strengthening operational and managerial capacity, the rehabilitation of infrastructures, improving the security environment and the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) process.