ONUCI Tour visits Keitenambly to discuss peace consolidation and strengthen social cohesion

6 Feb 2015

ONUCI Tour visits Keitenambly to discuss peace consolidation and strengthen social cohesion

Officials of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) visited the village of Keitenambly on 5 February 2015 on a grassroots sensitisation campaign dubbed ONUCI-Tour aimed at creating a peaceful electoral environment and strengthening social cohesion.

The delegation made up of UN Police from Man and the UNOCI Public Information Offices in Guemon and Tonkpi regions explained the broad outlines of the mandate of the UN Mission including the protection of the civilian population, promotion of national reconciliation and the organization of peaceful elections in 2015.

Pierree Aby of the Public Information Office in Guiglo stressed on the need to reinforce social cohesion by adopting concrete measures and conduct that would guarantee not just the security of persons and property but also promote justice and reconciliation.

Local officials such as the Chief of Lands and Survey Service at the regional department of Agriculture, Teya Koffi spoke on the new land law and the importance of land certificates while the representative of the national Authority for Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (ADDR), Bernard Gbonke spoke on the disarmament process which he said was an instrument for the consolidation of social cohesion.

A resentative of the Legal Clinic in Man, Francine Kakpo informed the population about the role of the Clinic as a centre for information and counselling on legal matters that was open to the public.

A spokesman for the village, Laurent Doho expressed their satisfaction with the UNOCI visit which he said was fruitful and inspring.