Special Representative receives President of RPC party

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19 Nov 2014

Special Representative receives President of RPC party

The Special Representative of UN Secretary-General in Cote d'Ivoire, Aichatou Mindaoudou on Tuesday18 November 2014 received in audience the President of the Renouveau pour la Paix et Concorde party, Mrs. Henriette Lagou to discuss the socio-political and security situation in the country.

After the meeting which lasted half an hour at the HQ of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI), Mrs. Lagou said she had raised certain concerns of Ivorians in general and her party in particular regarding the political situation and forthcoming elections.

« We are practically in an election period and everyone ought to be involved in an inclusive manner so that all the political parties can take part in the polls. I also raised the question of the participation of women political party leaders in the reconciliation process, » she said.

« We shared the same views on many issues and agreed to work together for peaceful elections in 2015, » Mrs. Lagou stressed.

The PRC leader thanked the head of UNOCI, Mrs. Mindaodou for her personal involvement in the promotion of women's activities and the Ivorian peace process.