Youths of Nezo canton commit to human rights and prevention of Ebola virus

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16 Sep 2014

Youths of Nezo canton commit to human rights and prevention of Ebola virus

Some 50 youth leaders in Nezo canton, Toulepleu division on Saturday 13 September 2014 took part in a sensitization workshop on human rights conducted by the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) in collaboration with officials of the Ivorian departments of Youth and Sport and Health.

The representative of UNOCI Human Rights division, Edouard Munyeshuli highlighted the duties of the citizen with regard to the respect of human rights and the protection of public property while Vincent Kouakou of the Public Information Office called on the youths to be actors in the consolidation of peace in their respective villages.

« Put your youth at the service of peace and development of your canton at this stage of reconstruction in Cote d'Ivoire, » he said. He advised them to respect authority, especially village chiefs so that concerted action can be initiated for the benefit of their different areas.

The divisional Director of Youth and Sports spoke of the need to be organized in order to benefit from funding which requires the possession of the yellow card.

The state registered nurse, Abdoulaye Sidibe, on behalf of the divisional health service, seized the opportunity to urge the youths to be involved in the fight against the Ebola virus in order to prevent the disease from entering their zone. He called on them to popularize the preventive measures taken by government and to see to it that those measures are strictly respected. « It is an issue which concerns each and every one of us: to work for zero Ebola in our various cantons, » he urged.

The secretary to the village chief, thanked UNOCI and the other partners for this initiative which has given them the opportunity to learn more about the prevention of Ebola and the promotion of human rights.