35th edition of UN Days : Bouna reiterates its commitment to national reconciliation and social cohesion

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30 Jun 2014

35th edition of UN Days : Bouna reiterates its commitment to national reconciliation and social cohesion

The 35th edition of United Nations Days (UN Days) organised in Bouna, ended on Wednesday, 25 June 2014, with a public discussion forum presided over by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, and the Prefect of Bounkani region and Prefect of the department of Bouna, Mr. Tuo Fozié.

In her address to the gathering, Mrs Mindaoudou stressed the fruitful partnership that has existed between UNOCI and the people of Bounkani for many years. This, she said, had provided an invaluable contribution to the national reconciliation process and consolidation of peace in Côte d'Ivoire, through the constant commitment and strong determination which has been demonstrated by people throughout the region. The Special Representative encouraged people to continue this inclusive attitude of solidarity.

Mrs Mindaoudou then reaffirmed the commitment and determination of the United Nations to accompany the Ivorian authorities and people in promoting social cohesion and national reconciliation, which are necessary conditions for economic recovery and a return to normality. She urged everyone to actively participate in the national reconciliation activities organised by the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) of ex-combatants being led by the Authority for DDR (ADDR). She also encouraged people to work for the creation and maintenance of a peaceful environment which is necessary for the holding of free, transparent and democratic elections. « Each and everyone of you must work to ensure the historic events that Côte d'Ivoire is currently facing are well negociated so that the country can once again find its rightful place in the concert of nations », she added.

For his part, the Prefect of Bounkani region recalled the actions carried out by UNOCI to help people in the department. He said that the UN Mission had rehabilitated water points, donated agricultural material and school supplies, among other actions. Mr. Tuo Fozie, as well as the president of the Regional Council, Mr. Hien Philippe, asked the United Nations to help provide equipment for the operation block of the local general hospital and urged the different communities to continue their commitment to promote reconciliation and social cohesion and for the whole population to take ownership of UN Days.

During the announcements of the outcome of the different workshops organised with various groups, traditional chiefs, women and youths reaffirmed their commitment to work for peace, national reconciliation and social cohesion. Having outlined the different problems that threaten social cohesion in the region, they asked for Government's support and UNOCI's help in overcoming these challenges.

It should be noted that the Special Representative and the Country Representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) donated equipment to the general hospital in Bouna. On behalf of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Mrs Mindaoudou donated equipment to the value of 13 million FCFA to a maternity clinic in Bouna.

Earlier in the day, the UN delegation took part in the official launch of the rehabilitation of the public hall in Bouna. The project if the 983th Quick Impact Project (QIPs) financed by UNOCI. The work is expected to be completed in three months, after which the people of Bouna will be abler to put it to good use. The public hall will be able to hold 200 to 300 people.