Tabou communities sign pact of good conduct in the presence of UNOCI

23 Jun 2014

Tabou communities sign pact of good conduct in the presence of UNOCI

The different communities living in Tabou, 480 km south-west of Abidjan have made public recommendations arrived at during a workshop held on 20 June 2014 to reflect on ways to strengthen social cohesion.

In the recommendations adopted in the presence of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI), the communities pledged to respect the customs of one another, and the local and national laws. This was preceded by the creation of a platform for discussions between the communities and the local authorities for the settlement of differences. They also requested the assistance of national and international partners in their efforts to sensitise the population on social cohesion.

The Coordinator of the UN System and staff of UNOCI Civil Affairs Section, Doudou Mulaba gave them some advice stating that « peace was a rare commodity which, once lost, requires a lot of work to recover. Do everything to avoid the need to recover peace ».

The local official of an NGO, ASAPSU which initiated the ceremony reiterated the reason for the meeting which was to create a forum to recommend conditions for peaceful coexistence among the various communities and the respect of each other's cultural values.

The Sub Prefect of Tabou Central, Arsene Katou stressed the importance of peace and cohesion as preconditions for development.

Administrative and religious authorities, elites and managerial staff, representatives of women's and youth associations as well as staff of UNOCI and UN agencies were among those who attended the ceremony.